Mostrar 25753 resultados

Descrição arquivística
Bishop’s letter spurs catholic-moslem good will
Bishop’s letter spurs catholic-moslem good will
Bishop’s pastoral explains a new Fatima message
Bishop’s pastoral explains a new Fatima message
Bishops deplored attack in portuguese paper
Bishops deplored attack in portuguese paper
Bishops implore end to civil war in Mozambique
Bishops implore end to civil war in Mozambique
Bishops meet at Fatima
Bishops meet at Fatima
Bishops of Angola issue joint pastoral
Bishops of Angola issue joint pastoral
Bishops pleased for rights for Timorese
Bishops pleased for rights for Timorese
Bishops statement after plenary meeting
Bishops statement after plenary meeting
Bishops’ reactions to opening of Archbishop Lefebvre center in Lisbon
Bishops’ reactions to opening of Archbishop Lefebvre center in Lisbon
Bishops’ seafarers commission urged
Bishops’ seafarers commission urged
Bispo de Vila Real na Póvoa - 'A solidariedade é a única atitude aceite por todos'
Bispo de Vila Real na Póvoa - 'A solidariedade é a única atitude aceite por todos'
[Bispos e cardeais em Fátima]
[Bispos e cardeais em Fátima]
Bispos querem padres na política
Bispos querem padres na política
Bispos querem padres na política
Bispos querem padres na política
["Bláo-fláo (...)"]
["Bláo-fláo (...)"]